The Sponsor Group is made up from seven members of the Committee who are also individual Working Group sponsors. Its role is to oversee the activities of the Working Groups and any Task and Finish Groups, ensuring they are adequately resourced and that their objectives are aligned to the HTMA Essential Objectives. The Sponsor Group is also responsible for developing a membership strategy and providing consideration and formal response to policy and legislative consultations.
The seven Working Groups are aligned to the Essential Objectives of the association. Their membership is drawn from representatives of the member organisations and their remit includes sharing of knowledge and best practice, including developing best practice documents.
Marketing & Comms Working Group
This group is responsible for identifying and providing useful information and knowledge for the Members. They will work to add value to the membership and raise awareness of the association and the work it delivers, within the member organisations.
Stakeholder Management Working Group
The Stakeholder Management group aims to promote a positive image for the association and industry, and develop strong relationships with stakeholders. The group will aim to influence key decision makers within the industry and promote the importance of effective and efficient highways management and maintenance.
Health Safety & Welfare Working Group
The Health Safety & Welfare group will drive improved performance across the industry by positioning the association as the voice of the industry on health, safety and welfare standards and policies through a coordinated communications campaign and appropriate sharing of good practice and innovation.
People & Skills Working Group
This group will focus on the promotion and development of skills and competencies in the industry. They aim to showcase the breadth of career opportunities and attract new talent to the industry. The group collaborate with relevant organisations to drive continual improvement in skills development and training provision.
Service Delivery Working Group
The Service Delivery Working Group aims to develop improvements in the efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the industry. The group focus on the social economic benefits gained by efficient and effective road maintenance and development, and being recognised as the voice of industry to promote and influence clients’ standards and policies.
Sustainability Working Group
The Sustainability Working Group also supports the aim to develop improvements in the efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the industry. The key objective of the Group is to highlight and to tackle sustainability risks which influence the whole of our industry and ensure pragmatic delivery of sustainability.
Asset Management Working Group
The Asset Management Working Group is aligned to the objective of developing improvements in the efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the industry. Good authorities, applying sound, practicable and forward thinking asset management policies will stimulate private investment and attract Government attention for future stimulus investment. The group aim to support authorities in achieving this through providing guidance, shared knowledge and tools to be implemented into the ways of working.
A few of the successful deliverables from Working Groups to date have included:
- Green Driving Booklet
- Sustainability Charter
- Guidance on Adaptation to Climate Change
- Sustainable Highways Maintenance Tool
- Water Toolkit
- Benchmarking to improve on: fuel use and CO2 emissions, People matters, Safety (accidents and near misses)
- Safety training DVD Breaking New Ground
- New price adjustment indices to reflect better ways of working and modern materials
- Winter Maintenance game for school-aged pupils
- Guidance on use of legal clauses in contracts
- TUPE template to assist the bidding process