Why Apply to become a Member

Ensuring the road network can meet the demands of growing traffic in an increasingly safe, efficient and environmentally sustainable manner will require a new approach to partnerships.

This is one reason why the Highways Term Maintenance Association (HTMA) was founded in April 2005. Its purpose is to enable member companies to work together to create a better future for the UK’s highways management and maintenance industry.  Becoming a member is one key element in creating this new era of collaboration in the provision of highways maintenance and highways management services.

Working together for better roads, our members combine to create a powerful knowledge base, a forum for debate, source of best practice and a voice for the industry to drive positive change in a sector crucial to the nation’s wellbeing.

Join the association to stay current on developments in the industry, to develop productive relationships with industry professionals, and to increase the visibility of your organization within the highways sector.
HTMA Members are valued members of the Association, receiving immediate tangible benefits of access, information and exposure.

With a strong focus on networking and industry information and influence, the Membership package allows your organisation to participate in the rapidly changing highways maintenance and management environment, shaping some of the key strategic decisions, which will have a significant impact on the industry.

Members have access to the HTMA Members Area, which provides a full contact database of all HTMA member organisations and individuals, important dates, reports and minutes of all meetings, presentations and other resources.

The Associate Member package is aimed principally at companies and organisations with a wide-ranging portfolio of highways industry services and products; normally well-established but seeking now to have a more influential role in the highways sector.  It is also of particular value to companies who provide niche services to the industry, but who want to raise their profile among key decision-makers within the maintenance community.

By joining, Associate Members are given the opportunity to develop new contacts and increasing awareness of their offerings for highways market through formal and informal chats.


  • Help create a better future for the industry.
  • Be part of the ‘voice of industry’ to influence decision makers.
  • Help drive positive change that contributes to UK Plc.
  • Stay current with industry issues.
  • Develop productive relationships with other industry professionals.
  • Increase the visibility of your organisation.