
The HTMA Sustainablity Working Group has been very active over several years and successful in producing some significant outputs for the industry.
The most recent completed project is a training DVD, Sustainable Highway Maintenance: Improving our Environment.  To view, click here.

The working group supports the Association’s strategic objective of  ”An efficient, effective and sustainable highways management and maintenance industry for the social, economic and environmental benefit of the communities in which we work”.

The group’s objective is to highlight and to tackle sustainability risks which influence the whole of our industry and ensure pragmatic delivery of sustainability.

Past projects can be downloaded from the website and have included:

Sustainable Highways Maintenance Tool
Water Toolkit
Report from Benchmarking on fuel use and CO2 emissions in highways maintenance
Green driving booklet
Sustainability Charter
Guidance on Adaptation to Climate Change
Sustainable travel plans template
Training DVD on sustainable highway maintenance